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Monday, April 27, 2020

We're Not Done Yet

   In these days of uncertainty and confusion, with my blank planner sitting on my dresser, it’s easy to feel insignificant.  For many of us, the ‘ministry’ aspect of our lives seems to be sidelined. Those who previously made meals for shut ins can’t do that now.  Those who visited the sick can’t do that now. Those who had disposable income to give to charity don’t have that now. Some who had jobs, no longer have those.  Those who cheered on special Olympians stare at empty fields.  Those who planned and raised funds for children and young people to be ministered to at summer camps won’t do that this year. Teachers who live for fourth quarter, the time when classrooms are finally cohesive, don’t have that sweet spot this year.  Pastors, looking forward to Easter weekend, musicians practicing for months for that time, scrambled to do the best they could digitally.  Celebrations; graduation, weddings, birthdays, are cancelled. No one has escaped the disappointment of interrupted plans. 
   The Bible is full of stories about men and women whose plans didn’t pan out.  Many of them lamented about how God must have forsaken them.  That never turned out to be true.  The prophet Zephaniah has a word of hope to those of us who feel lost in a twilight zone.   In chapter 3:17 CEV it says:  “The Lord your God wins victory after victory and is always with you.  He celebrates and sings because of you and He will refresh your life with his love.”
  Imagine, God ‘celebrates and sings’ because of me.  The ESV says “LOUD singing”.  Few of us are celebrating and singing these days.  On the worst day,  when every day is the same and there is no end in sight, we are still of value to our Lord.  His plans for us have not changed.  Our future is still in his hands.   Listen, can you hear Him singing over you today? 
 Let Him refresh you with His love.  

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