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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Unwrap the right Gift

   There is a constant barrage of news and social media posts regarding coronavirus. So much information is swirling through our televisions, computers and personal devices, it’s staggering.  It’s near impossible to know what’s true and what is not.  Mental health experts have three important words for the times we live in.  “TURN IT OFF!” 
  Social media is full of doom and gloom.  But,  if you love Jesus,  you'll share this.   Prayer chains, fake cures, political comments, it’s no wonder there is panic in our grocery stores! Some people are constantly “stirring the pot”; some by accident, more by purpose.  It’s so easy to panic and forget the peace Jesus offers.   It’s likely many of us are closet terrified while we desperately try to hold on to the peace we’ve been promised.  
   There’s never been a better time to focus on who Jesus IS.  In some of His last words to His disciples, his best friend, John records “I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.  So, don’t be troubled or afraid. ( NLT John 14:27). 
   A GIFT.   According to dictionary.com, A gift is “something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort by the recipient”.  What?   He’s given us the gift of peace of mind and heart.  This is a divine legacy, direct from the Messiah who will conquer death and the grave just a few days after giving this gift.    It’s not necessary for me to pray, memorize scriptures, sing 12 worship chorus’ in panic.  Clearly this gift can overthrow panic.  Jesus even called it “My” peace. We don’t need to be “troubled” (translated as stirred up or uncertain), we’ve been GIVEN peace of heart and mind.
I’m thinkin’ about opening peace over panic today.  How about you?

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