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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Beware False Prophets & Don't be one!

   I first read todays scripture and reading on March 11.  It was a Wednesday and I had arrived in Portland at 1 am to visit half of my children.  Coronavirus was a blip on our radar.  The kids were still in school, everything was still open and nothing had been cancelled.  We were planning a weekend trip to Multnomah Falls. There wasn’t any darkness looming over me in spite of the rainy, cloudy Portland weather.   This reading was something I could relate to in my past, but never imagined it was preparation for the days coming.
  Today,  as I reread it, the scriptures and go over the notes I wrote on that morning;  I  realize God was preparing me for these days and attempting to protect me from the fear that would sweep our country.  John is writing in his letter to the churches about false prophets and the havoc they cause in our cities.  I always interpreted that to be false prophets who would rail against Jesus and His Word.  That's probably true but I find a lot of false reporters in our media, on social media and among my friends who circulate unfounded writings. 
   In I John 4:4, he says  “But you belong to God, my dear children.  You have already won a victory over these people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”  NLT.  
   I notice 3 important things in this passage that should SHOUT at the people of God.  Certainly a darkness of sickness has crept over our country.  It has not only brought death and exhaustion and fear, it’s also brought greed, dishonesty and dissention.  It has certainly brought isolation.  It is indeed a dark and scary time. 
1.       John addresses us as “dear children”.   We are indeed, His dear children.  We just celebrated Jesus’ death and resurrection.  No greater love is this but that a man lay down his life for his children. 
2.     “You have already won a victory over these people” The naysayers,  the liars, the fearmongers, the Coronavirus.  He won the victory over all of this at Calvary,  we win the victory by accepting Him as the Victor. 
3.     “the Spirit who lives in you (US) is greater than the Spirit who lives in the world.”   The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us.  The same one who conquered death and the grave lives in us, IF WE LET HIM!
 Back on March 11,  God wanted me to know that whatever come at me;  I had already won the victory.  I won when I accepted Him as my Savior, I have everything I need to be victorious through this dark time. 

Thinkin about you, dear children,  BE CONFIDENT OF VICTORY!

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