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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Grace Redefined

   The word ‘grace’ is mentioned 170 times in the Bible. Devotions, sermons, and books abound about “grace.”  It’s a buzzword in the Christian community. Personally,  I’ve heard it my entire life. My  granddaughter’s middle name is Grace. Some of my most favorite songs are about grace. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeRHyY2I-PU)  and (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwBTkHyO1vs) I’m all about grace. But, I have no idea how to explain it. 

    The Greek translation of “grace” is graciousness. Dictionary.com says grace is a “manifestation of favor from a superior.”  Graciousness is the state of benevolence,  kindness. Biblical scholars say it is "unmerited favor.”  I am convinced that any grace that comes my way is completely unmerited. I’ve done nothing that could win my salvation and a home in Heaven. That I do get.

   However, over the past few months,  I saw,  with my own eyes,  Grace. In the lives of two women I do not know well but who shared their story. Neither of them used the word “grace” in their monologue,  but both caught my attention,  I’m not sure they realized what grace they were describing.

   One shared being raised in a home where the Bible, God and church were  a nonentity. As a teenager, she went to church with a friend just to get out of the house. There, she found a Savior, her life was changed and she’s in full time ministry today. How does that happen? How does that girl find a friend who is part of a Bible believing church that preaches Jesus? (There aren’t that many on the West Coast anymore). What are the chances that THAT girl continues to grow in the Lord? I know what Vegas would say. But,  God says,  I can keep you wherever I lead you. I’m God,  wherever you go. His Spirit keeps drawing THAT girl closer to Him despite her circumstances.   That’s Grace.

   The other woman shared growing up in a church that never asked her if she wanted to “accept Jesus.”  She thought her upbringing and rituals and traditions were her salvation. As a teenager, she went to a Bible Study. By her admission,  she can’t remember who invited her,  why she went or how it came about but there she was. The leader asked her if she wanted to accept Christ. How does that happen? Why does it happen to her out of all the girls in the world? Again,  why does she stick with it? Grace.

  By the way,  the Barna Research Group indicates that youth and teens aged 14-18 have only a 14% probability of accepting Christ. These women defied the odds.

  As long established,  raised on the pew, read the Bible through, die-hard  Christians,  we may take the gifts bestowed by Christ for granted. It’s easy to skim through that familiar passage of scripture. It’s easy to tune out yet another sermon on relationships. It’s easy to hear a word like grace and move on. I’m stopping today,  I’m thinking about grace and what it really means. I’m looking up “grace” scriptures and applying them to me and my life.

“ But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me-and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles;  yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace. I Corinthians 15:10(NLT)  

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