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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Piloting Pilate


Thinkin’ today about my reading from last week.  I don’t know much about Pilate.  He has a starring role in the Easter story but that was the extent of my knowledge.  I decided to dig into him.

Pilate is mentioned once early in Luke’s writings. In the first verse of chapter 13, Luke mentions  him.   Pilate had murdered some unnamed Galileans and mixed their blood with the blood of the Jewish sacrifices. Scholars note that there is no historical evidence about this event and no other Gospel writer mentions it.  However, Ellicott admits such travesty was certainly in keeping with Pilate’s character. Historians record that he was a strict Roman leader who was impulsive, reckless and often obstinate. While he could be rational and practical, he never knew when to quit.  He often went too far in a given case.  His decisions were fraught with indecision and inconsistency, evident at the trial of Jesus.     

All four of the gospels tell his story after Jesus’ arrest.  All of them record one way or another of saying Pilate didn’t want any trouble.  Matthew says Pilate gave up when the people, ALL the people said, “Let his blood be on us and on our children”.  (27:25)      Luke records that Pilate gave them three chances to change their minds. (23:22) THREE, an incredibly significant number in the following events.  Mark says Pilate wanted to “satisfy the crowd” (15:15).  John records much more of Pilate’s words and dialogue between he and Jesus.(18:28-38, 19:8-11)  These scriptures clearly indicate Pilate’s desire to let Jesus go, but finally, he gives in to the demands of the crowd.  (That’s a whole ‘nother sermon in itself).

He undoubtedly deserves his bad rap from Christians.   He certainly could have gone against the crowd and the Jews couldn’t have done a thing about it.  Again, he had a role to play in God’s agenda.  I don’t understand the culture of that day but clearly politics was Pilate’s motivation.  An interesting parallel to our current situation.   

Yet, still, even now, Jesus has ONE agenda “seek and save the lost”.  God has ONE agenda, outlined in a book called Revelation. 

Restin’ in that.    

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Pawns in the Hand of A Soverign God


   I’ve mentioned before that I’ve been reading thru the Chronological One-year Bible.  This morning I read the account of Jesus before Pilate in all four gospels.  

All four gospels give a short description of the prisoner, Barabbas.  Anybody who has read the scripture knows Barabbas is the bad guy here.  He’s already imprisoned by the Roman government doomed to death.  Even the bad guys consider him a bad guy.  The gospel writers call him “notorious” and that he committed murder during a riot.   Ellicott writes that the word “insurrectionist” denotes a “unrestrained violence that often resulted in bloodshed”.  He was a thief as well.  It would appear that Barabbas had NO redeeming qualities and yet the people shouted for his release. 

Think of their choice.  Murderer, thief, Rebel rouser or mild-mannered Jew who healed them, raised their children from the dead and feed 5000 of them.  As I contemplate what they must have been thinking, I remember Jesus in the garden.  Praying for another way but submitting to the plan. 

   Jesus had ONE agenda, to go the cross.  God had ONE plan; to save us through the death of His Son.  Pilate, Barabbas, the Roman Guard, the high priest, the people in the courtyard; all thought they were making the decisions.  Yet, history records they were just pawns in a sovereign God’s plan. 

Donald, Joe, Kammela, democrats, republicans, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, pawns in a Sovereign God’s plan. 

I’m not just thinkin’ about that today, I’m taking comfort and peace in it. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

There's got to be a morning after. . .

I woke up this morning to sunrise.  Yes,  even today,  the sun was still shinning.  I went to facebook and was amazed to see that friends were still posting mundane,  usual words bout their day and their plans.  
Outside my window, the landscapers were working,  they do so every Wednesday.  My keurig made me a yummy Maple Pecan coffee and here I am sitting at my computer.   
   Life doesn't seem to be much different.  After about an hour I turned on the TV to hear what I expected.  No decision,  the race to close to call.  I had already typed these words from Micah 7 last night.  Somehow I feel His words are enough this morning.  

 From the Message,  Micah 7:7-9  " But me, I'm not giving up.  I'm sticking around to see what God will do.  I'm waiting for my God to make things right.  I'm counting on God to listen to me.  Don't , enemy, crow over me.  I'm down but I'm not out.  I'm sitting in the dark right now but God is my light.  I can take God's punishing rage.  I deserve it--- I sinned.  But it's not forever, He's on my side and is going to get me out of this.  He'll turn on the lights and show me His ways.  I'll see the whole picture and how right He is."