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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Sing, Sing a song, make it simple!

While listening to Robert Madu speak about the songs learned as a child in Sunday School
and how they impacted his life and ministry as an adult,   I took a little walk down memory lane.
I saw a vivid picture of my mom standing on the left,  with Sister Herndon in the middle
and Pastor Herndon on the right on the tiny platform of the church I grew up in.  They are
singing “Until then, my heart will go on singing. . . Until the day God calls me home”.
As an adult,  I had no doubt on the day God called Mom and Brother Herndon home.
His widow, Tona, awaits her call to this day.  
Our home was filled with music  enhanced by my mother’s love of southern gospel. 
We were charter subscribers to the Singing News Magazine.   The Cathedrals, Statesmen,
Blackwood Brothers, Dixie Echoes,  I knew their names and bios as if they were family.
My Dad volunteered as an usher at the Municipal Auditorium  (Now the Civic Center Music Hall)
so we could see the Speer Family, the Rambos and the Happy Goodmans in concert numerous
times FREE. We had all their ‘albums”.   Later my parents would purchase all the Bill Gaither
videos and leave them for me.  
I can spell “Bible, Christian, Jesus, Heart”   and many other words without spell check because
I know a song about them.   “ I am a C, I am a Ch, I am a Ch-r-i-s-t-i-a-n . The B-i-b-l-e, yes that’s
the book for me.”   Jesus loves the little Children,   “red and yellow, black and white” My early
experience with missionaries and this song caused me to never question His love for all the children
of the world.  "On Sunday I am happy,  On Monday. . . . and Saturday’s always bright."  He is the
God of everyday, all week not just on Sunday.  I haven’t always acknowledged Him everyday
but I’ve never been a “Sunday”  christian.  The Happy Day Express,   I think that might have
been from a Vacation Bible School theme but I’ve always known my final destination was Heaven.  
Every morning devotional sparks a memory of a hymn or song from my childhood and I usually
end with one I haven't thought of in years. Just after an intense time of prayer for a
prodigal child, I began to sing “I know whom I have believed in and am persuaded, that He is able”.   
Those songs from my childhood then remind me of the people of my childhood and I’m smiling
big right now.  “Lord, I’m thankful for the good folks in my life, ( blogpost of 10/1/18)   
Not everyone grows up in a home filled with southern gospel, but most of us can recall a song,
a hymn, a liturgy from childhood.

Belt out a song from your childhood today and see where the memory lane takes you!

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