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Saturday, October 27, 2018


"It is in the shelter of each other that people live."

  Can I challenge you to write one sentence in response to this quote before you read my many sentences of response?

Years ago at a Dry Gulch Women's Retreat,  ( Dry Gulch is, of course,  what Heaven will be like);  a speaker spoke about "shelter".  From scripture, she took 3 Hebrew words meaning "shelter"  and spoke about each of them.  She had photos of the 3 different shelters and spoke of how God meant for them to be used in our lives.   I don't remember much of the message but I felt very comforted by the thought of those shelters. 

Shelter:   covered,  protected,  safe.

So when this quote popped up in my "one-sentence daily journal",  it intrigued me.  I started thinkin
about it.   Certainly children live within the shelter of their parents.  Many women are blessed enough to live within the shelter of their husbands.  I've sought and found shelter in my church family.   Thinkin on this,  I discovered,  I have indeed lived in the shelter of others.   I am beyond grateful for them. 

However,  I have also lived in the shelter of the Almighty God.  Living out Psalm 91:1   " Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." 

It should come as no big revelation that we have to move into the shelter.  Oklahomans know it's important move into the shelter before the storm gets too close.  We need to create and cultivate our 'shelter' of people before we need their shelter.  Additionally,  we need to cultivate living in the shelter of the Most High before we need His protection, covering and safety. 

Take shelter today even if you're living in the Son.     


1 comment:

  1. Who knew 5 years ago, a group of college friends would reconnect on Facebook and form a “shelter” of renewed annual friendship reunions. From that first reunion to now, our main Shelter(God), has bound us together in a way none of us imagined. I am thankful you are part of my shelter! One sentence didn’t cut it, for me 😁
