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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Worthy of the Call

   Thinkin' about grace today.  The unmerited favor of God coupled with forgiveness.  Considering the price Christ paid,  we need to be sure he’s getting his monies worth.  We must be worthy of the call.  Paul said this in Ephesians 4:1.

  In Philemon we see an escaped servant who had stolen from his master, imprisoned, and deserving of death in that culture. Yet, Paul dared to petition Philemon on his behalf.  He asked Philemon not only to forgive Onesimus but let him stay with Paul to be a help to him.  A master relinquishing his right to his property.  “And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ.  I am confident as I write this letter that you will do what I ask and even more!”  Paul asked Philemon to extend grace to Onesimus which would demonstrate his devotion to the Call of Christ.

  In Titus, Paul gives strict instructions to servants such as Onesimus. He reminds all Christians that godly living will show others  the “grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people”.  The whole book tells us how to be worthy of the Call.

   The words regarding the end times in the books of Thessalonians are a masterpiece of grace.  We,  like the people of Thessalonica,  have done nothing to deserve eternal security in a place of love and joy. For some, the journey will be rough but all who endure are promised salvation.  Indeed,  Paul reminds us to live a life worthy of our call. The Pulpit commentary explains, “The calling was, properly speaking, only the commencement of the Christian life, but as it was the first link in a chain that terminated in glory.”  When we accept Christ into our lives, we receive a call.  A call to “ to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God,” Micah 6:8. It is the first step to our entire life’s journey from glory to glory. Our words and our actions determine the evaluation of that call. 

Think 'bout that.  

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Taking Sides... Again


Social media is the bane or the joy of our existence.  We hear and read pros and cons of our time spent there.  I really don’t write about social media due to its controversies.  I’m sure I spend too much time on it and writers are admonished to use it  for marketing.

   During the 2020 election and covid, I worked hard to be discerning.  I had to hide dear friends and I physically held my hands in my lap to resist typing snark. 

   A recent repeatedly shared quote by Rainn Wilson has broken my heart.  He uses his own definition of Christ to berate those who believe in gun rights,  are against certain medical procedures, believe in smaller government and are patriotic.  I don’t really care  about Rainn Wilson, (although the Bible says I should)  but I love, love some of the people who are reposting his rant.  Jesus is not republican or democrat,  see my post of February 10, 2021  Donkey Or Elephant?.   

  While reading the book of Job, we see his friends saying just enough truth to deceive.  They absolutely are right on some things, but opinionated on others. Not unlike us, and those around us. 

     Without a doubt, there was a minority who trusted the republican party as the party of God to their detriment. It become idolatry as so many believed Trump was the savior of religion freedom.  It was wrong.   That said,  regardless of anything, political, economical, social, anything;  comments like Wilson’s that project human beliefs on our Savior cannot be pleasing to him.    When Joshua asked the Angel of the Lord whose side he was on,  He responded,  “ I’m on the Lord’s side!”  We don’t need to define that,  He defined it in His Word.