Secondly, God reminds Isaiah, the children of Israel and US that he has held us since our birth, He created us and has " cared for you since you were born. . .I will be your God throughout your lifetime". It’s a little overwhelming to realize what he has done for us since birth. I laughed a little at Matthew Henry’s commentary on this verse. In addressing old age he says, “When compassed about with infirmities, and perhaps those around you grow weary of you, yet I am He that I have promised to be”. I am very grateful God has not and will not grow weary of me!
So now that I’m listening and am assured that God is with me, I skipped to verse 9. “Remember the things I have done in the past." Those things which undeniably point to who He is and that there is none like Him. There was an old song, "Roll back the curtain of memory now and then, show me where you brought me from and where I could have been". This exercise will make you cry, laugh and open a floodgate of memories. Followed by an immersion of gratitude.
In verse 10, God tells us that we have a future. His purpose, plan, advice stands from the beginning and will continue through eternity. His plan for our lives will not might, maybe, could be, but WILL come to pass. It’s going to happen just like He said!
And just to punctuate verse 10 with power, God gives us verse 11. Just a few examples of how He might accomplish his purpose. Accomplished even with those who don’t know God or follow His lead. The Israelites would have never crossed the Red Sea and continued into the Promised Land had it not been for a band of Egyptians chasing them. Egyptians who had no interest in doing God’s Will. One of the most pivotal changes in my life came about because of people who had no idea they were being used of God.
I’m immensely grateful this morning that God is in control of this messy life. Thankful that I can rest in His faithfulness of the past and walk through today knowing with a doubt that He has a purpose. No matter what I see, hear or think, He will do what He has planned. I'm grateful for where I am today.
Thinkin' about where He brought me from.