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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Salvation & Power are Established

  At a Christmas tea, I was given a December calendar with one scripture reading a day focusing on the Christ of Christmas.    I really didn’t intend to do it, let alone make it a priority.  I’m already doing Lee Strobel’s the Case for Christmas study once a week and I have a daily devotion.  But, on a whim, I decided to read the scripture designated each morning from the Message.  Short and sweet.  Today was Revelation 12:5   I know, Revelation, what’s that got to do with Christmas? I won’t discuss that here but I’ve had enough Bible study to understand the connection.  So, I just kept reading through the chapter, until verse 10.  I have heard that verse, even heard it preached but today, well, it got me to thinkin’.

“Salvation and Power are established!”  Safety and miraculous power are installed, shown to be true, proven, and accepted permanently.   The word “established” has seven definitions on Dictionary.com.  All of them speak to stability, settled, valid, truth and permanence. 

We all know the story of Christmas, Jesus’ birth and how he came to die for us.  But THINK, this event absolutely settled any question about salvation and power.   I don’t question my salvation; I know his death on Calvary afforded me grace to accept that.  But, Power?  Valid and permanent power. 

I don’t think I live that way, a life in which power is settled.   I don’t think I live like all my comings and goings are under HIS power.  If I did, I would not be so quick to fear, to assume the worst.  To wander about the money in my checking account and rush to check the balance online.  To be impatient with those who don’t see things my way.    I’m not sure how my life would look if I lived like “power was established”. 

I’m thinkin’ on it.  Will you? 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Christmas is upon Us!

  The season is upon us!   Christmas.  The celebration of the birth of Christ.  If you haven’t heard Mallary Hope’s Christmas is All about You grab a device and you tube it now.  It’s my new theme song for Christmas. 
Those of you who know me KNOW I love black Friday, not the deals, the crowds.    I love Christmas décor, cards, music, school and church programs.  Pass the Gingerbread Latte or Peppermint Mocha Latte while I watch  Hallmark movies!   But, like Mallary, I need reminding as “December rushes thru” what Christmas is all about. 

It’s been easier this year; I have fewer obligations than I’ve ever had in my life.  My smaller home takes less time to decorate and clean.  I’ve been to  a Christmas tea at my church.  This week will claim 3 evenings of Kids’ programs but next week’s calendar is clear.  So, I AM taking some time to remember what Christmas is all about.  I’m taking an only Bible Course with Lee Strobel and the case for Christmas. (Check out faithgateway.com )    I’m studying daily advent scriptures that parallel Old Testament prophecies with New Testament fulfillment. And it’s pretty amazing,  even for this born and raised, graduate of a Christian college, A/G girl.   

In all of this, I am very aware that there are those for whom this Christmas is just sad.  2018 was not kind to them.  Loss of loved one, some by chance and some by choice; devastating diagnosis,  financial woes and looming job issues,  threaten some’s “happy new year”.   And it gets me to thinkin’.

Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem wasn’t celebrated by everyone.  A king named Herod with jealousy in his heart and Satan on his shoulder was not excited.  I’ve never seen a Christmas play feature hundreds of slaughtered babies outside the stable.  But, it happened.  Herod murdered hundreds of Israelite children in an effort to murder Jesus.  Satan actively tried to rob us of Christmas 2000 years ago.  And he is still trying today, through devastating diagnosis, loss of loved one, financial woes, looming job losses and a thousand other things that are weighing you down today.  I John 3:8 says that Jesus came to “undo the work of the devil”.  Latch on to that today, and let the baby of Bethlehem undo the destruction Satan has bought or is trying to bring. 

It’s Christmas, the Season of Light.  Don’t let the Prince of Darkness rob you of the light.  Come celebrate!